
De ‘oxy-fuel’ route

In the ports of Rotterdam and the Eemshaven both power-plants and terminals for liquefied natural gas, LNG, are planned. In LNG-terminals a vast amount of cold is available. The enclosed report describes a route for using this cold of the LNG-terminals, integration of power plants and LNG terminals. Central is the use of cold for the production of oxygen, which in turn is used for firing oxy-fuel fired power stations. Besides, the cold can be used for CO2-compression and in the condenser-cycle of steam-turbines. The study was carried out by CE Delft on behalf of SenterNovem (program “energy-savings and chain-efficiency in industry”). The study indicates that for one LNG-terminal and one coal-fired power plant this route results in major improvements:

  • Substantial energy savings (efficiency of app. 43%, a saving of about 9 PJ
    [this is equivalent to the total use of energy of the city of Delft).
  • Negligible emissions of nitrogen-oxydes (NOx, compared to 1,4 Mton with post-combustion capture).
  • Savings in costs, due to superior energy efficiency.

Main points of attention are back-up provisions (not elaborated in the study) and the development of oxy-fuel coal technology (now at pilot stage). It is recommended to site LNG terminals and coal-fired generating capacity close together and anticipate in the design stage of new LNG terminals and power plants on integration.